Hidden Arch

13 May 2017, Saturday

Our last day in the Red River Gorge. At least for this year. We feel we have only scratched the surface of what is here to explore. The morning is fair and cool, and we all agree a longer hike is in order for our grand finale. After breakfast we head for the Koomer Ridge Campground, a National Forest Service first come-first serve area. Our state campground has really packed in for the weekend. By contrast, the Forest Service Campground seems spread out and quiet. Maybe next year we will try camping here.

We park Vincent in the day hiker lot and commence our trip. Up the trail from the campground we take the left fork to Hidden Arch. The theory is that it is called “hidden” because if you come upon it from the wrong direction you could walk right by and miss it. From the arch we continue along a boggy trail complete with pink lady slippers and salamanders. Next we climb to a beautiful ridge line and enjoy walking through the sun-dappled shade. Warblers are singing all around, including G’s prairie warbler who sings the ascending chromatic 4th.

Hidden Arch

From the ridge top we descend to shady, cool Chimney Top Creek. O crosses while balancing on wobbly rocks. G and I take off boots and socks and wade through the cold water. In about 0.3 miles we cross again. This time I cross on more stable rocks.  G decides her New York City feet are enjoying wading the clear Kentucky creek so she removes boots and socks once more. The walls of the gorge rise steeply on either side of the creek. We hike back up a ridge onto the Pinch ‘em Tight Trail, and then back down on the Buck Trail to the Right Fork of Chimney Top Creek, again balancing on rocks as we cross back and forth several times. Finally, we ascend once more along the Buck Trail and follow it until we meet the Koomer Ridge Trail once again. We return to Vince after our more than 8 mile hike and drive back to camp for dinner.

Pink Lady Slipper
Chimney Top Creek

What a difference a day makes! The campground is crowded with cars and tents, adults tending fires and children playing. It’s happy, smokey, noisy chaos. We clean up after our dinner and wander up to the lodge to see what time breakfast begins. 7 am. We will eat there in the morning and then pack up to begin our journey home.

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